【World Life】とは?


World Lifeな生活

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Dear Friends,
I want to tell you about my recent experience voting for our new governor.
When I arrived at the voting place, I realized I forgot an important document. I thought I couldn’t vote because it was almost closing time. I was worried because I thought proving who I am would be very difficult.
But guess what? When I talked to the staff, they said I could vote with just my driver’s license! It was much easier than I expected.
This made me think about how we prove who we are online. On the internet, we often need to enter passwords many times. I thought voting would be like that, but it wasn’t!
This got me curious about the word “identify.” It comes from Latin words meaning “make something be itself.” When we identify something, we make sure it’s really what we think it is.
For example, after watching a movie, people might feel like they are the hero. Of course, they aren’t really the hero, but they feel connected to the character. They identify themselves with the hero.
I also learned about the word “tandem.” It comes from Latin words meaning “so much” and “same.” Originally, it described a long carriage pulled by two horses, one behind the other. Someone might have joked that it takes “so much” time to see the whole carriage because it’s so long! Later, people started using “tandem” for things that happen one after another or work together, like a bicycle built for two riders.

Back to voting: I think it was easy to prove who I am because I was there in person. Online, everything is not real, so it’s harder to know who someone really is.
I hope you, as a real person, will keep enjoying English and growing into the best version of yourself!
Until next time,
