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Hello everyone! How are you? It’s very hot these days, isn’t it?
Today, I want to talk about outdoor bathing. In Japan, we call this “gyozui.” I often do this in summer. Long ago, many people did gyozui because it was cheap. It uses the sun’s heat, which is usually wasted.
Gyozui is easy. You put water in a big tub in the morning and leave it in the sun all day. By evening, the water is warm!
I did some research about the word “bathe.” I used a special tool called Word DNA. Many European and Indian languages come from an old language called Proto-Indo-European. This old language had “Word DNAs.”
Here are three interesting things I found:
1. The DNA of “bath” is “BETH,” which means “warm.”
2. “Bake” also comes from “BETH.” It’s funny that “bathe” and “bake” are related, especially in this hot weather!
3. In German, “Bad” means “bath,” and some place names like “Baden” use this word too.
I think you should try outdoor bathing. Here’s why:
1. It’s cheap. You only need water and sunlight.
2. It helps you enjoy hot days. When it’s very hot, you’ll be happy because your bath water will be nice and warm!
Outdoor bathing is good for nature and for your mind. It helps you feel better about hot weather.
I hope you have a good summer and keep learning English.
See you next time,