【World Life】とは?


World Lifeな生活


首相が息子を総理秘書官から更迭。首相官邸で友人らを集めパーティー開催&記念撮影。批判が集中し庇えなくなったのか。首相のインタビューでの謝罪…そんな時、読書中の「Beyond Revenge / 復讐本能」にタイムリーな一節を見つけ、なるほど
World Lifeな生活


It has been reported that the Prime Minister removed his son from the position he had assigned him, following criticism of his son's inappropriate behavior.Shotaro, aged 32, allegedly organized a party with his relatives and friends and took several photographs at the Prime Minister's official residence.
World Lifeな生活


あなたは正直英語の諺ってパッとしない、面白くないと思いませんか。実は私はごく最近までそう思ってました。例えば、Time is money.(時は金なり)とか。それで?みたいな。言ってみれば、紋切り型の正論。面白味ゼロの気がしてたんです。
World Lifeな生活


Do you think anything is more boring, clichéd, or uninteresting than proverbs? I used to feel that way until recently when I discovered an excellent way to appreciate proverbs more fully.
World Lifeな生活


「君は間違ってる」とAIにズバッと指摘したらどうだろうかと。気になりますよね。あなたもAIの反応を予想してください。次の4つから。①    謝る②    言い訳する③    無視して答えない。④    キレまくり、とにかくすごいことになる。
World Lifeな生活


Today, I want to share an interesting experience I had while using AI. I was reading a German book and decided to compare it to an English translation generated by an AI. Little did I know that this experiment would take me on a fascinating journey.
World Lifeな生活


World Lifeな生活


In a recent episode of the popular TV show Britain's Got Talent (BGT), Yasumura, a Japanese comedian, achieved tremendous success with his unique act. Yasumura's performance involved posing naked in various poses, all while keeping his pants on.
World Lifeな生活


World Lifeな生活


One involved a high school baseball player, who was admonished by an umpire for making a pepper mill gesture on first base after hitting a base. What struck me was that the player accepted the admonishment without protest or argument, and never repeated the gesture throughout the game.