【World Life】とは?


World Lifeな生活


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We see too much curiosity from the media and people about Mr. Ohtani’s new wife in Japan and the US. Every day we hear about how she looks, what she wears, eats, says, and buys. I cannot criticize this because I was also very curious about her.

But as the English proverb says, too much curiosity can harm the curious person, not just the cat.

I remember an old radio drama called “Stampede” about a TV crew that died during a live broadcast. They were surrounded by angry, genetically modified bulls that the military tried to destroy with missiles. The excited bulls trampled the TV crew.

When I heard this drama, I thought the TV crew and bulls represented human curiosity. Their destruction shows that too much uncontrolled curiosity does more harm than good. A little curiosity makes people feel happy and satisfied. But too much curiosity kills and destroys, like the drama’s title suggests.

So what should we do? How can we control our curiosity when it gets out of control? I found a clue when I studied the origin of the word “curiosity.”

“Curiosity” and “care” come from the Latin word “curare,” meaning “to care for.” This origin suggests we should be careful with our curiosity and care about what we are curious about.

But don’t worry, your curiosity about the English language is unlikely to harm anyone if you try to satisfy it.
See you next time!
