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Then I remembered a funny joke my American host father told me when I studied in the US more than 40 years ago. You have met this funny person before (refer to my previous newsletters). He talked about the word “tasty.” He said,”‘Tasty’ normally means something has a good taste and is yummy. But the word itself just means ‘related to taste.’ The ‘-y’ at the end makes it describe a taste. So you can use ‘tasty’ for a bad taste too, not just good tastes. The word itself doesn’t mean only yummy.”
Then we had a fun time talking about tasty American and Japanese food. We even called my host mother’s food “tasty” like two naughty boys. It was our secret joke, but not rude to her. It was so fun that I still smile remembering it. In fact, the noodles taste better when you smile, even with just watery soup.
Now you can enjoy this joke too. Find words like cloudy, windy, brainy (meaning very clever), or hearty (meaning warm). Then call something or someone that word.
For example, “Don’t you think our new boss is a nerd?” “Yeah, he’s brainy, for sure.”
If they don’t find it funny, explain the joke like my host father did.
Why did I tell you this? It is important (and fun) to enjoy what you learn. As Confucius, an ancient Chinese thinker, says, it’s better to like something than just know it, but to enjoy it is the best.
I hope you will have a “hearty” laugh!
See you next time!