【World Life】とは?

Newsweekとニューズウィーク 伝わる情報の差<英語版>

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Newsweekとニューズウィーク 伝わる情報の差

Hello Readers,
I want to tell you an interesting story about how Newsweek USA and Newsweek Japan reported the same news differently.

I read a story in Newsweek USA about plastic teabags. Scientists in Spain found that when you put some teabags in hot water, tiny pieces of plastic come out. They found that one teabag can release one billion very tiny plastic pieces in just one small cup of tea!

Here’s what was interesting: Newsweek USA later added important new information about how to avoid dangerous teabags. But when I looked at Newsweek Japan, I found that they didn’t include this important update.

In the Japanese version, the story just ends by telling us about the problem. It almost makes readers feel like there’s nothing we can do about it.

I called Newsweek Japan’s office to ask why they didn’t publish the update. They simply said they chose to use only the first part of the story, and that Newsweek USA lets them choose what to report.

Even now, Newsweek Japan hasn’t shared the updated information with its readers. I think this isn’t right!

I’m sharing this story as my small protest against big news companies. Even though I’m just one person making a small complaint, sometimes small things can make a big difference – just like those tiny plastic pieces in our tea!
