【World Life】とは?


World Lifeな生活

I was sick recently with a stomach problem. The doctor said I could only drink clear liquids for a while. This made me think about the word “diet” in a new way.
I told you before about the word “diet” and similar words. This time, I want to tell you a new way I found to follow my diet without giving up tasty foods. It may seem strange, but it makes sense.
When we eat, we enjoy it with our senses of taste, smell, and texture – the senses in our mouth and nose. We don’t get much enjoyment from swallowing and digesting the food.
So even if you chew food but don’t swallow it, you still get most of the enjoyment of eating!
I got this idea from reading about artificial intelligence creating new recipes by analyzing flavors and textures. Human chefs then helped make the new dishes. Some examples are:
Indian Spiced Spanish Rice Salmon Quiche (French dish with Scandinavian twist) Savory Apple Pie (not sweet)
The most important thing I learned is that the real pleasure of eating comes from the mouth and nose sensations. Professional food tasters don’t swallow what they taste.
Tasting is separate from swallowing and digesting the food.
That’s how I came up with the idea of my “no swallowing” diet, which helped me recover! Sometimes reading about new ideas with an open mind can lead to surprising solutions.
I hope you also find inspiration from exploring fresh concepts.
See you next time
