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Hello, readers!
I read a newspaper article about bookstores decreasing in number in Japan. It made me think about why bookstores are important and what might replace them.
The Daily Yomiuri reported that the number of real bookstores in Japan has gone down by half from 2004 to 2023. They say this is because of things like more people using digital devices and bookstore owners not having anyone to take over their shops.
But I think there’s something more important that the newspaper didn’t talk about enough. Bookstores have a special job: they help us find new things by accident. When you’re in a bookstore, you might pick up a book you didn’t plan to read. This can give you new ideas and help you learn about new things.
This kind of accidental discovery is very important. It has helped people make new inventions throughout history. If we can’t stop bookstores from closing, we need to find other ways to make these accidental discoveries happen.
These days, most people search for information online. But when you search online, you usually have to know exactly what you’re looking for. This makes it hard to find new things by accident.
For example, I once tried to see all the music CDs in my local library. I was surprised when they told me I couldn’t do that. I had to know the exact CD I wanted to find.
But isn’t it more fun to find something you didn’t know about before?
I have an idea: we should make online search systems that let us look for things in a less specific way. For instance, if you want to learn about a type of book, you should be able to see many books in that category, not just one specific book.
I hope we can make technology that helps us discover new things, just like bookstores do.
Reading English newspapers and thinking about new ideas is fun. I suggest you try it too! If English is hard for you, start with articles about topics you already know. This will help you guess the meaning of words you don’t know.
Enjoy learning and reading English!
See you next time,